Week 7 - Makoto Shinkai

I understand people view Makoto Shinkai as a sort of new Miyazaki, but I feel like his films don't really carry the same kind of fantasy value as Ghibli films. If I were to compare the two though, I would say the biggest thing Shinkai and Miyazaki have in common with their films is the sense of atmosphere. Environment is such a big part of their films, because they have such a big impact on the story, especially in Shinkai's films. Weather is so important to what's happening in the narrative, as well as what's happening between the characters, so each scene is filled with shots of the world around the characters, the weather, and the time of day. I would say Shinkai's films have visual metaphors that adhere to the characters' feelings or relationships through the environment around them.

Either way, I like both Shinkai and Miyazaki films for their beauty and various meaning. Anime is a great media for the stories they tell, because I feel like you can't achieve their stories through live action.


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